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Here is what people are saying...

I am a JHU employee and have recently joined your beginner’s yoga sessions. The pandemic is telling me that there is way too much sitting going on these days with working from home and I need to be moving more. I need yoga! Thank you for offering these sessions, Antoinette.

Leigh A. Penfield, JD, MIP, MS, MBA, CLP, Senior Licensing Associate,
Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures


Thanks so much, Antoinette, for our twice weekly yoga practice and for the 21-day challenge! Kate and I really enjoy your teachings in so many ways. Thanks again for all of the wonderful energy, thoughts, and physical movements you've brought to our lives. Your presence, even if only on a zoom screen, brightens our apartment and has made this February particularly enjoyable. Keep up the great work!

Noah & Kate S. (Sibley community)


Thanks so much, Antoinette, for our twice weekly yoga practice and for the 21-day challenge! Kate and I really enjoy your teachings in so many ways. Thanks again for all of the wonderful energy, thoughts, and physical movements you've brought to our lives. Your presence, even if only on a zoom screen, brightens our apartment and has made this February particularly enjoyable. Keep up the great work!

Noah & Kate S. (Sibley community)

You have made a direct impact on my health and well-being. Because of you, I committed myself to a twice weekly practice of yoga. Thank you for your dedication and service to the community.

Maria Burack, Sibley Patient and Community Member

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Good morning, Antoinette – what a WONDERFUL experience the 21 day challenge has been – I think I have been present for about 75% of your live sessions – I caught up with a few on the Sibley video link, but I missed a couple of days. Even though I couldn’t join you for 21 days in a row, I feel this has made such a positive difference in my physical and mental health! Thanks to you, I feel so much better – I notice I am able to engage my core much more and I really do feel less stressed (!) I need to humble brag a bit so you can see what a huge impact your 21 day challenge has made – I was never able to pad my feet during downward facing dog – and now I can for a second or two (one foot at a time). I think I can speak for your group of fans, Antoinette - your 21-day challenge sessions provided a great ending to busy workdays and a great start to beautiful weekend days. I’m going to continue to visit the Sibley video site to stretch out the 21 day challenge a bit. Take care – stay safe – Namaste.

Honora Precourt, MBA, CDP, Manager, Sibley Senior Association, Sibley Memorial Hospital

Hi Antoinette, your yoga class was so timely as I was just getting over the after effects of my COVID vaccine and was stiff as a board… so this really helped!! I am so grateful to you for doing this, and for opening it up to the greater Hopkins community!! Thanks again!

Dan Dunkers, Vice President IT, Johns Hopkins HealthCare LLC


Good morning, Antoinette, Thanks again for your class! I feel about a million times better this morning than I have in a long while. And it’s all because of an hour of your practice. See you on zoom on Monday!

Patrick Smith, Senior Communications Specialist, Johns Hopkins Medicine Marketing and Communications

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