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About Me

I have been practicing yoga for more than 20 years, but yoga is not my only passion. I am also a registered nurse with more than 13 years experience. As a nurse on the front lines, I have witnessed firsthand the importance of self-care of nursing staff, and the ripple effects in providing quality care to our patients treated.  I often lead 3–5-minute stretch breaks or an opening meditation with my colleagues before commencing the nursing shift.  It is in these moments nurses can begin to embrace self-care and in turn produce better, safer care for their patients.


I received my 200hr yoga teacher certification in 2017 through The Mindfulness Center (TMC) in Bethesda, Maryland and my 300hr teacher certification in 2020 from Circle Yoga, Washington, DC. Now as a 500hr registered yoga teacher, I teach Mind Body, Level 1/2 and intermediate Vinyasa Flow classes at the Johns Hopkins Sibley Memorial Hospital.  I am also certified in Yoga for Cancer and Chronic Illness through the late Jnani Chapman, RN and have been teaching Yoga for Women with Cancer through Circle Yoga since 2018.  I have led numerous corporate and large group yoga classes at national conferences and retreats for the John Hopkins Hospital System.

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Each of us is a radiant being, capable of brightening every corner. Let us shine our love, light and wisdom on the world, so we can illuminate even the darkest night.

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